What We Do

Since 2006, we have been fulfilling a long held aspiration to help poor and vulnerable communities worldwide.

We provide warm, safe, loving homes and educate communities - instilling good values and creating brighter futures.


Our Values:

To produce future generations of role models who are God-centered, balanced and wholesome individuals.

They will lead meaningful and purpose-driven lives and make pioneering contributions to their immediate society and beyond.


Our Mission:

The relief of poverty by the provision of warm, caring, nurturing and safe homes for orphans and destitute, vulnerable children.

To advance the education, knowledge and skills of orphaned children promoting self-reliance.

Promotion of optimal physical and psychological health and wellbeing. The promotion of the moral and spirtual welfare to improve our communities.


Our Goals:

To provide a rich and rewarding environment, which develops creative minds with the spirit of curiosity necessary for the development of thought, character and identity.

To promote holistic development of each child and the dignity of the self and others, through the development of personal responsibility and tolerance.

To assist each individual to comprehend the complexity of the world in which they live and understand that their own well-being is closely connected to the well-being of others.


MRA Values Wheel

MRA Values Wheel


“For countless orphans across the world, basic neccessities of water, food, education and a safe home are merely a dream but Miri Roshni has been the helping hand needed to provide the stable foundations to excel in life.”

— Elinor Chohan, Founding Director

What We’ve Achieved

  • The Miri Roshni School has over 400 children over 3 floors all focused on bettering themselves through education and has established itself as a frontrunner educational facility.

  • State-of—the-art facilities at Miri Roshni School from a library, computer suite to sciene lab.

  • English is spoken throughout the school to ensure high levels of understanding & teaching.

  • We contininously invest in our staff as we believe they are at the heart of the school.

  • We have implemented a core ethos which focuses on service, teamwork, ambition and respect for all students to nurture all of our students.

  • All orphan children recieve 1-2-1 sessions with a pyschologist to understand their mental health and wellbeing further.

  • Miri Roshni School is working towards becoming an internationally acredited school.